2017年10月22日 星期日

2017.10.21 托福TOEFL綜合寫作機經真題解析與範文

2017.10.21 托福TOEFL綜合寫作機經真題解析與範文

  • 10/21:原題重現閱讀真經刷題班一整篇14題:Mexican Mural Art
  • 10/21:原題重現閱讀真經刷題班一整篇14題:Plant and Animal Life of the Pacific Islands
  • 10/21:原題重現閱讀真經刷題班一整篇14題:The Origins of Plant and Animal Domestication
  • 10/21:原題重現聽力真經班對話一整篇05題: The study of animal sleep patterns

【台北】10/24 托福閱讀突破公開課:http://bit.ly/1Uyyeti

總論點:生物學家提出了可以防止地鼠龜(gopher tortoise)消失的策略。

解釋三:將地鼠龜帶入新環境也是不可行的。地鼠龜天生就有一種歸巢的本能(homing instinct)。如果我們把一群地鼠龜放到一個新的環境裡,它們會開始遷移。即使不會到原來的位置,它們也會遷移到它們自己選擇好的棲息地。然而,遷移的過程也是很危險的,比如有很多地鼠龜都死在了馬路上。

The author comes up with three strategies that can discourage gopher tortoise from disappearing. However, the professor thinks these methods are ineffective. 
First, the reading claims that protect and expand long-leaf forest that is habitat of gopher tortoise is one of ways to control the declining. Nevertheless, the speaker says that there is no enough grass for tortoises to feed on. In fact, only in the situation that there are periodic forest fires that clear out some trees and let the sunshine reach the forest floor, can grass grow. But the problem is people usually prevent forest fires. Consequently, tortoises won't have enough grass to survive.
Second, the writer proposes another strategy that young tortoises are bred in research stations and then release them into wild when they grow large enough. But the professor indicates that breeding tortoises in captivity is risky. It is because captive tortoises often contract infectious diseases and these diseases cannot be treated once tortoises are released into the wild. Furthermore, tortoises with diseases will infect the wild tortoises.
Third, the professor refutes the viewpoint showed in passage by saying that reintroducing tortoises into new areas is dangerous for tortoises and even kill them. The fact is if tortoises are put in a new environment, they will start migrate to either their original home or a habitat that was carefully chosen because they have a homing instinct. Also, they have high possibility to be killed because migrating tortoises often cross busy roads.

💝考試高分獎助金10000元、業界最高 (就是佛心來的)!

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