2017年10月19日 星期四

【IELTS 雅思口說考官提醒十項必備要素】

IELTS 雅思口說考官提醒十項必備要素】

IELTS Speaking Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts

1. Do develop your answers; don’t just say “yes” or “no”.
By adding a little extra information, reasons and examples to support opinions, you will score higher.

2. Do remember that it’s not a test of your knowledge.
You don’t have to know facts about the topics the examiner asks you; you just have to talk about your opinion and impressions.

3. Do listen carefully to the whole question the examiner asks, not just the first few key words.
Don’t just “guess” what the examiner is going to say from the first few words. Make sure you listen carefully so your answer is relevant.

4. Do ask for clarification occasionally if you need to.
If you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask the examiner to rephrase or repeat a question.

5. Do include personal anecdotes and “stories” into your Part Two monologue.
It gives your talk a more authentic and colourful feel, and helps to hold the examiner’s interest.

【高雄班】10/22 (日) 雅思口說公開課 (請點擊) (南部同學不能錯過了哦)

雅思口說 - <Mia老師> 
• 課堂中將讓學生清楚瞭解雅思口說評分要點,培養學生口說答題思緒,面對考官時能言之有物,自信開口說出高分。
• 課中老師將帶領學員大量練習口說考古真題,並針對個人狀況一一給予建議、修正,能徹底提昇口說表達能力!
• 授課老師親自指導學員,並客製化建立個人口說模板,擁有完整的口說結構,口語表達更具有邏輯性,一聽就有重點。
• 針對雅思口說之特定主題及場合考題,提供不同的回答策略,面對各種主題的應試能力,都能面面俱到、有效表達。

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