2017年12月2日 星期六

2017.12.02 托福TOEFL綜合寫作機經真題與範文分享

2017.12.02 托福TOEFL綜合寫作機經真題與範文分享

總論點:拍賣會上一個信封裡的膠卷的攝影師有可能是安塞爾‧亞當斯 Ansel Adams.
分論點一:Ansel Adam曾經拍攝過一棵生長在懸崖上的松樹,恰巧這個膠卷裡也有這棵松樹的圖片。
分論點二:Ansel Adam妻子曾經協助過他將拍攝的圖片編號並記錄拍攝地。恰好裝膠卷的信封上手寫地名的字跡很像是Ansel Adam妻子的。
分論點三:Ansel Adam的工作室曾經著過火,恰好這些膠卷也有被燒過的痕跡。

總論點:閱讀的觀點不可信,雖然這些膠卷和Ansel Adam的作品有些相似,但這些相似處都可以得到合理的解釋。
分論點二:這些信封上寫著一些地名,如Yosemite,但是這個地名的拼寫是錯的。Ansel Adam的岳父在在Yosemite有個藝術工作室,Virginia Adams從小在Yosemite長大,對這個地區十分熟悉,不可能將這個地名拼寫錯誤。

The reading offers three arguments to illustrate that the negatives are the works of Ansel Adams, a landscape photographer. Nevertheless, the listening argues that although the negatives have some similarities to Adam's work, there are other explanations for those similarities and the negatives are probably not Adams' work.
First, the passage says that the inclusion of a large pine tree proves it is Adams' work because it appears in another photograph of his. However, the lecture points out that this pine tree is a famous and popular site in Yosemite national park and many photographers have taken pictures of it. Therefore, the professor believes that the first explanation proposed in the reading is not valid.
Second, as for the handwriting evidence mentioned by the author, the professor contends that some of the place names written on the envelopes were spelled wrongly, such as Yosemite. But Virginia Adams was the daughter of an artist and she was quite familiar with Yosemite. Thus it is not possible for her to spell it incorrectly. The reading's second argument is also refuted by the listening.
Lastly, the reading puts forward the similarity of fire damage between the negatives and Adams' works. In contrast, the listening contends that since the process of creating negatives involves flammable chemicals, it is not uncommon to cause fire when making them. Many photographers' negatives were damaged by fire in 1920s.

命中閱讀真經刷題:大陸漂移學說 (共14題)
命中閱讀真經刷題:十八世紀農業 (共14題)
命中聽力真經刷題:學生詢問退費 (共5題)

字神托福套裝課:http://bit.ly/2qHcNwV (全台破百高分最多)
字神托福真經班:http://bit.ly/2qHlBT9 (兩岸命中真題最多)
托福聽讀刷題班:http://bit.ly/29E4BGt (獨家最新真題解密)

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