【2018.01.28 托福TOEFL寫作機經真題與範文分享】
(一)那些地區名字相同,但地圖所繪製的澳洲大陸形狀並不準確,很可能是繪製地圖的人受水手的second-hand stories影響,而非來自第一手資料。
The reading suggests that some Portuguese sailors have visited Australia as early as 1520s. However, this proposal is put into question by the experts in the lecture, for three reasons.
First, the reading mentioned that maps of Australia with Portuguese names on them have been made by professional map makers. However, according to the lecture, the landmass in the maps shapes differently than Australia. It is highly likely these maps are not based on direct observations, but on second hand stories from Australian sailors, who pick up the stories from Asian sailors.
Second, the reading points out that pictures of marsupials have been found in the European books. However, the lecture says that the marsupials are native to not only Australia, but North and South America too. The marsupials in these books could have come from America, where the Europeans have already been in the 1500s.
Third, the reading cites a soil sample analysis as evidence that that the keys in an Australian archaeological site dates back to 1500s . However, the lecture presents us with a new analysis with improved methods that contradicts the previous finding. When reanalyzing the soil samples, experts found it to be impossible to use the soil to date the keys.
The government has enough money to fund to
improve younger children’s education. Which one of the following is the most
1. hire more teachers so that each class
can have a smaller number of students
2. develop preschool education before
kindergarten / primary school
3. provide teachers with additional
training so that they can adopt the latest teaching methods
選擇二:1.學前教育很有必要可以幫助孩子塑造良好的性格(擴展思路:父母的繁忙,孩子性格培養的重要性);2.學前教育可以有助於培養和提高孩子各方面的能力,為以後的學習工作做鋪墊(解決問題的能力,獨立思考的能力,與人相處的能力) 3.讓步:其他兩種也很有必要:僱傭更多老師可以全方位得更專注地教育孩子;提高老師專業能力可以幫助他們改進教學方法; 然而,教育的主體從來都是學生,而學前教育恰恰是一個人一生中最重要的性格、能力塑造和培養階段,所以普及學前教育才能從根本上讓學生甚至整個社會受益。
Key sentences:
1. Preschool education can help to mold children』s character.
2. Preschool education can benefit the cultivation of some basic abilities for children.
3. Certainly, hiring more teachers can be beneficial to children』s better and well-rounded development for the individual teacher』s more attention and concentr ation on students ; providing training classes can enha nce teachers』 professional skills that be conducive to students both mentally and intellectually.
key words & phrase
continuing education, a sound educational system, with regard to, be the foundation of one』s future and academic life, endure the overwhelming weight and height of iys superstructure
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㊙ 免費課座位有限,全採限定預約制,先報先贏,沒聽到會後悔啊!
㊙ 教出全台最多托福閱讀高分康老師,和您分享閱讀高分獨家大絕招!
㊙ 獨家結構式閱讀法解構托福閱讀TPO1-50真題與2017最新真題!
㊙ 教你怎樣讀得快,解題又殺,徹底擺脫逐字逐句的翻譯方式!
㊙ 獨家分享托福閱讀五大強詞、八大文體結構與必考要點!
㊙ 史上最完整托福背景知識單字,完全強化你的英文百科不足!
㊙ 完美快速破解TPO1-50閱讀難句,讓你文法功力再次升華!
㊙ 教你快速讀懂文章架講,閃電筆記法大幅提高閱讀速度和準確度!
㊙ 以50~60%的閱讀量完成90~100%的題目!(又快又有效)!
㊙ 想要增進托福閱讀實力的同學~機會難得一定要參加唷!
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